Have you dreamed of a boomer baseball tour? Are you checking all the professional stadiums off your boomer travel list as you attend a game? In today’s guest post, Greg Goodman, Adventures of a Good Man, tells us how. Spend a few minutes talking to any serious fan and they will tell you of their dream […]
Learning to Appreciate Harley-Davidson
Harley-Davidson. What comes to mind when you hear that word? Speed…..Power…..Rebellion…..Noise? Do you picture a bunch of boomer travelers trying to recapture their youth as they zoom around the U.S. — and the world — on motorcycles? Alan used to ride a Harley but he sold it before we met. Guess what he did with […]
Exploring Michigan’s Traverse City Region
Baby boomer travelers, is a trip to Michigan’s Traverse City on your travel list? You’re in luck. In today’s guest post, Laura Martone, author of Moon Michigan, gives us the scoop and a chance to win her book. Remember when Laura offered boomer travel advice about visiting the Florida Keys for My Itchy Travel Feet? Sit […]
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