Snowberry Inn Cream Eggs recipe

Breakfast at Snowberry Inn: Cream Eggs Recipe

Alan and I appreciate a bed and breakfast that serves a hot breakfast. That’s why we build extra time into our boomer road trips for enjoying a leisurely morning meal. And that’s what we found at Snowberry Inn in Eden, Utah when Innkeeper Andrea served up her delicious cream eggs recipe. On a road trip to Utah, we […]

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Le District La Fromagerie

Exploring NYC’s Fabulous Food Halls and the High Line

Everyone knows that New York City has some of the most diverse culinary options in the world. However, with so many mouth-watering options at your disposal, trying to decide on where to go can be overwhelming. Today’s guest writer, Judy Freedman from A Boomers Life After 50, is here to point us to some of […]

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Old Lahaina Luau sunset

At the Luau

As the sun dips into the Pacific, dancers at Old Lahaina Luau begin to perform the history of the Hawaiian Islands through hula. A guest of the Maui Visitor’s Bureau, I have a ringside seat and the perfect vantage point to take photos. But this is just the beginning of an entertaining evening in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii. […]

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Chocolate and powdered sugar Christmas cookies

Christmas cookies from around the world

Would you like to travel the globe without leaving your kitchen? Author and guest writer, Brette Sember, will let you do just that by introducing you to cookies from around the world. Brette should know since she wrote the book on cookies: Cookie A Love Story. Although cookies are an exceptionally American treat, they are […]

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Dining outdoors at Tohono Chul Garden Bistro

Are you a fan of eating breakfast outdoors—especially on a trip? There’s something decadent about lazing over a cup of coffee after a delicious meal while nature provides the entertainment. Here’s an insider’s tip:  if you’re boomertravel plans include Tucson, Arizona, save a morning for breakfast at Tohono Chul Tea Room (January 16, 2013: the name […]

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Baileys Sabayon

Seabourn classic: Baileys sabayon with strawberry

Culinary demonstrations at sea offer boomer cruisers the opportunity to learn new recipes and cooking techniques. On our Seabourn Odyssey cruise from Sydney to Los Angeles, I attended a session led by Seabourn’s Executive Chef de Cuisine, Rajat Adhikary, who demonstrated one of the Seabourn Classic dishes—Baileys Sabayon with Strawberry. He has kindly allowed me […]

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Spanish tapas in Madrid

Dining like a local in Madrid

Alan and I are boomers who like nothing better than to dine with the locals, like we did on our road trip through Northern Italy. To us, it’s an excellent way of experiencing another culture. Today, Nicole Jewell, an ex-pat living in Madrid, who blogs at Pass the Ham?, shares her suggestions for Madrid dining […]

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Nutella Quesadillas With Black Cherry Compote

Baby boomers, are you a Nutella fan? Would it surprise you to find this chocolaty hazelnut spread in a quesadilla? How about if that quesdadilla had been prepared in Mexico? I discovered this unusual dessert when I traveled to Cancun to participate in blog paradise for Marriott Resorts. Although I was staying at CasaMagna Marriott […]

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Ritz Carlton Dove Mountain

Celebrating a Boomer Birthday at Ritz-Carlton Dove Mountain

Boomer birthdays. Do you celebrate or dread the arrival of another year tacked onto an already booming age? What’s a baby boomer to do? I’m all for celebrating them, it sure beats the alternative. Last week, one of those really big boomer birthdays happened to me. You know, one with a big zero at the […]

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