Have a question about active travel for baby boomers?
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sponsorship opportunities
Are you interested in sponsor opportunities at My Itchy Travel Feet? We’ll create a unique package that suits your needs. We’ve recently worked with Hebridean Island Cruises, Cummins, American Cruise Lines and Visit Montana.
expert travel quotes + appearances
Do you need an expert travel quote for an article about active travel for baby boomers? Donna’s your gal. She’s also available for media appearances.
PRESS trips
Would you like to send a member of our staff on a press trip to cover your destination or travel product? Let’s talk.
press releases
About press releases: Content at My Itchy Travel Feet is based upon first-person experience. While we don’t mind receiving press releases, please make sure that they are targeted for active boomer travelers and realize that we will not write articles based upon the release.