Did you know that Sunday, September 13, 2009, is National Grandparents Day? I hear what you’re saying. “What does that have to do with baby boomer travelers.” My answer to you – everything. You see, rather than being honored ourselves, I view this as an opportunity for baby boomer grandparents. We have the time and (hopefully) the money to introduce our grandchildren to the joys and benefits of travel. So where should we take our little (and bigger) darlings?
Looking back through the archives at My Itchy Travel Feet, I’ve picked a few of my adventures that would be perfect for bonding with the grandkids.
- To teach grandchildren about the native culture of the Southwest, visit the inscriptions and pueblo at El Morro National Monument or take them on a shake and bake ride while Exploring Canyon de Chelly.
- Active grandkids will enjoy, Horseback Riding in Waip’o Canyon, rocking and rolling while 4-wheeling in Yankee Boy Basin, or sledding on a Winter Visit to Hannagan Meadow.
- Elementary-aged children will get a kick out of Tubing in Kauai or listen to the younger ones giggle when a butterfly tickles their hand on a Visit to Florida’s Butterflies.
- Of course, taking a teenaged grandchild on a South African Game Drive would be the ultimate adventure for both of you. I can’t think of a better bonding experience.
- And then, there’s chilling out on a family beach. Take the brood to Kiawah Island where there’s an activity for every age.
My Anna will be two in October, so I have a few years before I start showing her the world. But when the time comes, we’ll be out their discovering it together.
Do you travel with your grandchildren? Post a comment to tell me about your favorite experience. I’m already making Anna’s travel list.