More Articles on Canada

iceberg kayaking

Five Great Canadian Outdoor Adventures

Full of awe-inspiring landscape and bustling cities, Canada is an incredibly diverse nation. With its expansive coastlines, scenic valleys, majestic mountains, and what seems like endless amounts of natural beauty, you’ll find plenty of Canadian outdoor adventures to fill your travel bucket list. As you’d expect, there’s everything from easy to epic for the active […]

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McCulloch Centre

Checking Out Family History in Nova Scotia

Are you curious about your Scottish ancestry? Why did they come to North America? How did they live? Family history and cultural resources abound in Nova Scotia, even if your ancestors first landed further south. Today’s contributing writer, Vera Marie Badertscher from A Traveler’s Library and Ancestors in Aprons describes how to go about tracing […]

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Amoeba sailboat

Sailing Bras D’or Lake in Nova Scotia

Traveling by any means is certainly a privilege no matter what method you choose. However, for those lucky few with sturdy sea legs, sailing on the open water is the only way to go. Today’s sea-loving guest writer, Vera Marie Badertscher from A Traveler’s Library, describes one very unique sailing experience around Nova Scotia’s picturesque […]

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Prince Rupert Ferry scenic view

Riding the Prince Rupert Ferry on an Alaska Highway Road Trip

What does riding the Prince Rupert Ferry have to do with an Alaska Highway road trip? It’s the off-the-beaten-path way to get there. Our favorite! Read on for Prince Rupert Ferry tips that will take you there, too. The soft shades of morning sunlight illuminates Scarlett Point as the M. V. Northern Expedition (Prince Rupert […]

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Walking through the flower-draped gate at Inn the Estuary on Vancouver Island.

Luxury and Wildlife at Inn the Estuary

As tidal waters flowed in and out to the Straight of Georgia, two deer moved delicately through the high grasses of Nanoose/Bonnel Estuary on Vancouver Island. If we squinted our eyes—or looked through binoculars—Alan and I could observe a pair of bald eagles surveying the scene from the top branches of a tree near the edge […]

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Fall color on Top of the World Highway in the Yukon

Driving on Top of the World

Do you know about Top of the World Highway? The rugged journey through gold mining history makes a fun addition to your Alaska Highway road trip itinerary. The trip requires leaving the Alaska Highway at White Horse, driving the Klondike Highway to Dawson City before catching a ferry ride across the Yukon River. You’ll catch […]

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