Are you curious about your Scottish ancestry? Why did they come to North America? How did they live? Family history and cultural resources abound in Nova Scotia, even if your ancestors first landed further south. Today’s contributing writer, Vera Marie Badertscher from A Traveler’s Library and Ancestors in Aprons describes how to go about tracing […]
North America
Sailing Bras D’or Lake in Nova Scotia
Traveling by any means is certainly a privilege no matter what method you choose. However, for those lucky few with sturdy sea legs, sailing on the open water is the only way to go. Today’s sea-loving guest writer, Vera Marie Badertscher from A Traveler’s Library, describes one very unique sailing experience around Nova Scotia’s picturesque […]
Discover a Relaxing Bed and Breakfast in the Heart of Santa Fe
On a visit to Santa Fe, New Mexico, boomers will find plenty of places to stay. From the luxurious Four Seasons Resort Rancho Encantado to the historic Hotel Santa Fe, accommodations cover every taste and pocketbook. But if you’re looking for a bed and breakfast within walking distance of downtown Santa Fe, Alan and I recommend […]
Bannack Ghost Town is a Step Back in Time
On a visit to Bannack, Montana, travelers will discover gold mining history in one of the most well-preserved ghost towns in the West. Alan and I thoroughly enjoyed our all-too short visit to Bannack. A Montana state park, Bannack Ghost Town offers historic buildings to explore, guided tours, gold panning, and a campground. And there […]
Fun in the Air: Helicopter Adventure Over West Maui and Molokai
Although Alan and I are big advocates of boots on the ground adventures to truly know a destination, there is also something special about seeing it from a seat in a small aircraft or helicopter. Take the Hawaiian Islands, for instance. Steep sea cliffs with thundering waterfalls are no match for our boomer hiking skills. That’s why, when […]
Paragliding Over Maui
I’m paragliding over Maui. Let me write that again. I’M PARAGLIDING OVER MAUI. The wind whips through the wing (you might think of it as a parachute) as Dexter Binder, certified instructor at Proflyght Paragliding, offers calm instructions. On a tandem ride, we swoop left and right across the Maui hillside. Paragliding is the most quiet, peaceful experience […]
Luxury in Maui at Montage Kapalua Bay
Romantic accommodations in a quiet, scenic setting with unassuming personal service is my kind of luxury travel experience. And that’s exactly what I found when the Maui Visitor’s Bureau invited me to stay at Montage Kapalua Bay. Luxury in Maui: Montage Kapalua Bay Review Although I’ve traveled to Maui twice before, this was my first […]
Fall on the Glenn Highway
When Alan and I planned our Alaska Highway road trip, we weren’t thinking about fall color. But that’s exactly what we found in the first week of September while driving the Glenn Highway, also known as the Tok Cutoff. The paved road travels 328 scenic miles between Tok and Anchorage. And the portion of the highway […]
Go Roadtripping in New Mexico With Our New Ebook
Boomer roadtrippers, are you looking for a fun weekend adventure in New Mexico? New Mexico Backroads Weekend Adventure, takes readers off-the-beaten path in a remote corner of New Mexico. This weekend road trip guide travels up the border between Arizona and New Mexico to Grants, NM. Along the way, discover off-the-beaten-path destinations like the Gila Wilderness, the […]
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