Romancing the stars at Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter

When Alan and I last visited Mt Lemmon SkyCenter, October frosts were turning the leaves to gold as we traveled up Catalina Highway to the University of Arizona’s Steward Observatory near Tucson, Arizona. After arriving near the top of the 9,000 ft. plus mountain, we enjoyed a box dinner in the education complex while astrophotographer, […]

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Hannagan Meadow Lodge

Cool thoughts about Hannagan Meadow Lodge

When the thermometer reads 108 degrees in Arizona, this broiling hot baby boomer re-visits her favorite frozen adventures. I picture snow piled high around a rustic cabin, cross-country skiing across a rolling meadow or sitting in the dining room at Hannagan Meadow Lodge watching the snowflakes fall. Located at 9100 ft., in the White Mountains of eastern […]

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