As travelers, we know that all travel is not created equal. While some people are able to splurge on luxury accommodations at the Four Seasons, others are more pressed to find decent lodging on a shoestring budget. And of course, the same goes for our level of activities on a trip. Well, of course, we’re all aging, but at a certain point, those aches and pains that come from hiking rough Alaskan terrains or exploring cobblestone-covered European streets for days on end seem to be more and more prevalent. Aching back, knee and joint pain are the normal culprits, but at times more than a simple aspirin is necessary to really get you back on your travel feet. Today’s sponsored article comes to us from DePuy, a member of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies, and introduces options on overcoming joint pain.
Live Life Free of Hip and Knee Pain with DePuy
Don’t let knee and hip pain prevent you from pursuing your travel passions and seeing the world. As part of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies, DePuy is a global pioneer in finding solutions in orthopaedics, spinal care, sports medicine and neurosciences. Watch this video from DePuy that highlights the true story of a patient who was able to enjoy one of DePuy’s many movement solutions to return to living the life they love free of pain.
Disclosure: DePuy has paid to publish this article at My Itchy Travel Feet.