Traveling to South Africa is one of the most meaningful baby boomer trips that Alan and I have ever taken. Seeing lions guarding a kill or watching a baby elephant rush after his mama are high on our list of travel memories. Of course, we readily admit that the luxurious safari lodges we experienced are […]
Hilltop Manor’s Triple Berry Cream
Triple berry cream, even the name sounds delicious. I’m sharing another one of my favorite bed and breakfast recipes, collected during our boomer travel adventures. Alan and I enjoyed this delicious start to the day at Hilltop Manor Bed & Breakfast in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Although, owner Faith Kraemer, served triple berry cream for breakfast, […]
Celebrating a Boomer Birthday at Ritz-Carlton Dove Mountain
Boomer birthdays. Do you celebrate or dread the arrival of another year tacked onto an already booming age? What’s a baby boomer to do? I’m all for celebrating them, it sure beats the alternative. Last week, one of those really big boomer birthdays happened to me. You know, one with a big zero at the […]
Soaking in Gangster History at Hilltop Manor Bed & Breakfast
Hilltop Manor Bed & Breakfast Review: Updated 11.20.2017 On a visit to Hot Springs, Arkansas, one activity you don’t want to miss is a soak in the famous hot springs mineral waters. But to completely immerse in Hot Springs’ history, stay at Hilltop Manor Bed & Breakfast, a member of Select Registry, Distinguished Inns of North […]
Mont Tremblant Summer Must-Do’s
Baby boomers, have you considered a summer trip to Quebec’s Mont Tremblant? In today’s guest post, Natalie Lapointe shares her must do’s for outdoor adventure that’s wrapped in Canadian mountain scenery with a blues festival thrown in for fun. Mont-Tremblant, or the “Trembling Mountain”, as the Algonquin Natives called it, is Quebec’s number one ski […]
Take a Crash Course in Grape Growing
On a baby boomer trip to California wine country, it’s easy to discover the nuances of wine making during a visit to a tasting room. Winemakers love to talk about their wines. But what about the grapes? How often do you walk through a vineyard to learn the intricacies and challenges of growing grapes? Why […]
Road Tripping the Oregon Trail
Oregon offers many travel opportunities for active baby boomers. Sheri Wallace, editor of Road Trips for Families, says,”The Mt. Hood region of Oregon has compelling history, spectacular scenery, every outdoor activity imaginable and, unlike the pioneer’s Oregon Trail, is easy to road trip.” In today’s guest post, Sheri offers her advice to baby boomers considering […]
Coming Home to the Beat of a Baby Boomer Band
On a road trip from Northern California to Southern Arizona, the last night is always a let down. There’s not enough time to reach Tucson which means stopping somewhere on I-10 as it crosses the desert near Indio. Alan and I usually settle for a nondescript motel to rest our road-weary, baby boomer bodies for […]
Spend Your Boomer Holiday in Puerto Pollensa, Majorca
Baby boomers, have you traveled to Majorca? Although I’m aware that it’s a port stop on many luxury cruises in the Mediterranean, that’s the extent of my knowledge about Spain’s largest island. Let’s educate ourselves with today’s guest post from Majorca expert, Ross Fraser. When thinking of Majorca, baby boomers would be forgiven for immediately […]
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