This post is for baby boomer women travelers. Guys, you’re welcome to hang around. Maybe you’ll get an idea or two for Christmas, it won’t be long, you know.

First, let me tell you, this is not a paid post. Chico’s did not pay me for my words or provide any freebies or discounts on their fabulous clothes, although I have a closet full of them. I’m not their representative. But, hey Chico’s, if you’re looking for a baby boomer babe spokesperson, I’m your gal. Here’s why:
Wrinkle Free
So, why am I writing about Chico’s clothes on a baby boomer travel blog? Two words. No Wrinkles. Oops, I didn’t meant to get your hopes up ladies. Chico’s can’t do anything about those lines and wrinkles on our faces. But if you wear their Travelers line of clothing, you’re travels will be wrinkle free. That’s important to me because I hate wrinkled clothes. And I certainly don’t iron, those days are over. I’m a baby boomer. Been there. Done that.
Easy Packing
Because the clothes don’t wrinkle, they’re easy to pack. Roll them up, stick in a suitcase. Voila! You’re done. However, I find that adding a layer of tissue paper or clear plastic bag on top of the garment before rolling adds a layer of wrinkle free protection.
Mix and Match
Soon, I’ll be sailing on a 52-day cruise. Now that I’ve embraced the “less is more clothes philosophy” (well almost), I’ll be packing light. That’s where the real beauty of Chico’s clothes comes in. On this itinerary, there will be 9 formal and 6 semi-formal nights. I’m packing one long black skirt, one black pants and one gray pants, which I’ll mix and match with several tops, two jackets, shawls and Chico’s costume jewelry. Although I’m wearing the same items repeatedly, it doesn’t feel that way to me. Good. It can get boring wearing the same clothes day after day. And those black and gray pants? I’ll be wearing them for many of the 34 casual nights too.
Wash and Wear
Most of Chico’s clothes are machine washable and dryable. This makes Alan’s laundry duties on board ship much easier. Well, I do all the packing and unpacking, why shouldn’t he do the laundry? Although I do need to remind him, “Honey, no hot water or high temperature drying.”
Good Looking
The best part of Chico’s clothing is that they look good on baby boomer women. The pieces are stylish and made for “mature” women. Plus the Travelers collection offers materials that are forgiving. Gain a few pounds and most of the clothes will still fit. No, I will not be gaining. I’ll be pushing away from the table and visiting the gym. But I like knowing there’s a little give in those Traveler pants, just in case.
Now, Chico’s isn’t the only brand of travel clothes out there. Coldwater Creek offers a line of no-wrinkle apparel. And I hear good things about TravelSmith. But me? I’m a Chico’s girl. I wear my Travelers clothes even when I’m not on the road.
Do you have a favorite brand of traveling clothes? Post a comment to share your recommendation. I could be persuaded to go shopping.